Monday, November 13, 2023
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Location: AtkinsRéalis Grand Ballroom
Sponsor: ACS Infrastructure
Fireside Chat with The Hon. Sean Fraser, Canada's Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities

With Canada’s population hitting 40 million and rising, communities large and small are experiencing a boom in growth — and in their infrastructure needs, from energy to housing, highways to community centres. It’s an opportune time to take a fresh look at how the federal government can best support and guide this growth with its ‘next generation’ of infrastructure funding programs for provinces and municipalities. Crucial to enabling this growth is long-term, predictable funding and the flexibility to respond to different priorities by government. How can the National Infrastructure Assessment play a role in setting priorities and how can governments and the private sector work together to quickly create more accessible, affordable housing for Canadians? Sean Fraser will share the government’s vision at P3 2023, in his first major talk to the infrastructure industry since taking office as Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities in July.

Keynote Speaker:
Introduction: Vicente Maraña,
Chief Operating Officer, ACS Infrastructure 
Fireside Chat with Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities
Fireside Chat Host: Lisa Mitchell, CEO, The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships 


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